PACKAGES.TXT; Mon Jul 1 06:16:29 UTC 2024 PACKAGE NAME: breeze-icons-6.3.0-noarch-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 4272 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 68750 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: breeze-icons: breeze-icons (Breeze icon themes for KDE Plasma) breeze-icons: breeze-icons: Breeze icon themes for KDE Plasma. breeze-icons: breeze-icons: Homepage: breeze-icons: breeze-icons: breeze-icons: breeze-icons: breeze-icons: breeze-icons: PACKAGE NAME: extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 284 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2120 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules (extra KDE CMake modules) extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: This package contains additional CMake modules required for compiling extra-cmake-modules: KDE Frameworks. extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: extra-cmake-modules: PACKAGE NAME: kconfig-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 420 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2640 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kconfig: kconfig (Persistent application settings) kconfig: kconfig: KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two kconfig: parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. KConfigCore provides access to the kconfig: configuration files themselves. KConfigGui provides a way to hook kconfig: widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically kconfig: initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their kconfig: changes to their respective configuration files. kconfig: kconfig: kconfig: PACKAGE NAME: kcoreaddons-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 432 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2410 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kcoreaddons: kcoreaddons (QtCore addon library) kcoreaddons: kcoreaddons: KCoreAddons provides classes built on top of QtCore to perform various kcoreaddons: tasks such as manipulating mime types, autosaving files, creating kcoreaddons: backup files, generating random sequences, performing text kcoreaddons: manipulations such as macro replacement, accessing user information kcoreaddons: and many more. kcoreaddons: kcoreaddons: kcoreaddons: kcoreaddons: PACKAGE NAME: ki18n-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1456 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 18120 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: ki18n: ki18n (UI text internationalization) ki18n: ki18n: KI18n provides functionality for internationalizing user interface ki18n: text in applications, based on the GNU Gettext translation system. ki18n: It wraps the standard Gettext functionality, so that the programmers ki18n: and translators can use the familiar Gettext tools and workflows. ki18n: KI18n also provides argument capturing, customizable markup, and ki18n: translation scripting. ki18n: ki18n: ki18n: PACKAGE NAME: kidletime-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 64 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 370 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kidletime: kidletime (report system/user idle time) kidletime: kidletime: KIdleTime is a singleton reporting information on idle time. It is kidletime: useful not only for finding out about the current idle time of the kidletime: system, but also for getting notified upon idle time events, such as kidletime: custom timeouts or user activity. kidletime: kidletime: kidletime: kidletime: kidletime: PACKAGE NAME: kvantum-qt5-1.1.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 996 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 8390 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5 (SVG-based theme engine for Qt5, KDE and LXQt) kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5: Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt, tuned to KDE and LXQt, kvantum-qt5: with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality. kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5: Homepage: kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5: kvantum-qt5: PACKAGE NAME: kwayland-6.0.5-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 236 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1490 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kwayland: kwayland (wayland wrapper library for KDE) kwayland: kwayland: Kwayland is a KDE Frameworks library that wraps Client and Server kwayland: Wayland libraries. kwayland: kwayland: kwayland: kwayland: kwayland: kwayland: kwayland: PACKAGE NAME: kwindowsystem-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 216 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1330 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kwindowsystem: kwindowsystem (windowing system access) kwindowsystem: kwindowsystem: KWindowSystem provides information about the windowing system and kwindowsystem: allows interaction with the windowing system. It provides a high level kwindowsystem: API which is windowing system independent and has platform specific kwindowsystem: implementations. This API is inspired by X11 and thus not all kwindowsystem: functionality is available on all windowing systems. kwindowsystem: kwindowsystem: kwindowsystem: kwindowsystem: PACKAGE NAME: layer-shell-qt-6.0.5-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 40 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 330 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt (Wayland layer surface support) layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: This component is meant for applications to be able to easily use layer-shell-qt: clients based on wlr-layer-shell. layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: layer-shell-qt: PACKAGE NAME: libdbusmenu-lxqt-0.1.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 92 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 340 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libdbusmenu-lxqt: libdbusmenu-lxqt (library providing Qt implementation of DBusMenu protocol) libdbusmenu-lxqt: libdbusmenu-lxqt: The DBusMenu protocol makes it possible for applications to export and import libdbusmenu-lxqt: their menus over DBus. libdbusmenu-lxqt: libdbusmenu-lxqt: libdbusmenu-lxqt: libdbusmenu-lxqt: PACKAGE NAME: libfm-1.3.2-aarch64-3_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 652 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 5470 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libfm: libfm (pcmanfm library) libfm: libfm: LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, libfm: giving a convenient higher-level API. libfm: libfm: Homepage: libfm: libfm: libfm: libfm: libfm: PACKAGE NAME: libfm-extra-1.3.2-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 36 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 160 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libfm-extra: libfm-extra (pcmanfm library) libfm-extra: libfm-extra: LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, libfm-extra: giving a convenient higher-level API. libfm-extra: libfm-extra: This package contains a library and other files required by libfm-extra: menu-cache-gen libexec of the recent menu-cache >= 1.0.0. libfm-extra: libfm-extra: Homepage: libfm-extra: libfm-extra: PACKAGE NAME: libfm-qt-2.0.2-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 600 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3140 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libfm-qt: libfm-qt (Core library of PCManFM-Qt (Qt binding for libfm) libfm-qt: libfm-qt: libfm-qt: libfm-qt: libfm-qt: libfm-qt: PACKAGE NAME: libfm-qt5-1.4.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 572 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3030 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libfm-qt5: libfm-qt5 (Core library of PCManFM-Qt (Qt binding for libfm) libfm-qt5: libfm-qt5: libfm-qt5: libfm-qt5: libfm-qt5: libfm-qt5: PACKAGE NAME: libkscreen-6.0.5-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 272 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1530 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libkscreen: libkscreen (screen management library) libkscreen: libkscreen: LibKScreen is a library that provides access to current configuration libkscreen: of connected displays and ways to change the configuration. libkscreen: libkscreen: libkscreen: libkscreen: libkscreen: libkscreen: libkscreen: PACKAGE NAME: liblxqt-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 164 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 900 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: liblxqt: liblxqt (Common base library for LXQt components) liblxqt: liblxqt: liblxqt: liblxqt: liblxqt: liblxqt: liblxqt: liblxqt: PACKAGE NAME: libqtxdg-4.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 144 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 710 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libqtxdg: libqtxdg (Library providing XDG specs implementations for Qt) libqtxdg: libqtxdg: libqtxdg: libqtxdg: libqtxdg: libqtxdg: libqtxdg: PACKAGE NAME: libqtxdg-qt5-3.12.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 124 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 580 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5 (Library providing XDG specs impl for Qt) libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5: libqtxdg-qt5: PACKAGE NAME: libstatgrab-0.92.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 164 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 960 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libstatgrab: libstatgrab (system statistics library) libstatgrab: libstatgrab: libstatgrab is a library that provides cross platform access to libstatgrab: statistics about the system on which it's run. libstatgrab: It's written in C and presents a selection of useful interfaces which libstatgrab: can be used to access key system statistics. libstatgrab: The current list of statistics includes CPU usage, memory utilisation, libstatgrab: disk usage, process counts, network traffic, disk I/O, and more. libstatgrab: libstatgrab: homepage: libstatgrab: PACKAGE NAME: libsysstat-1.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 40 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 220 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libsysstat: libsysstat (libs to query system statistics (net, resource usage,..) libsysstat: libsysstat: libsysstat: libsysstat: libsysstat: libsysstat: libsysstat: PACKAGE NAME: lximage-qt-2.0.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 228 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1270 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lximage-qt: lximage-qt (The LXQt image viewer and screenshot tool) lximage-qt: lximage-qt: lximage-qt: lximage-qt: lximage-qt: lximage-qt: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-about-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 72 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 360 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-about: lxqt-about (LXQt about dialog.) lxqt-about: lxqt-about: lxqt-about: lxqt-about: lxqt-about: lxqt-about: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-admin-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 104 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 640 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-admin: lxqt-admin (LXQt system administration tool.) lxqt-admin: lxqt-admin: lxqt-admin: lxqt-admin: lxqt-admin: lxqt-admin: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-archiver-1.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 220 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1160 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-archiver: lxqt-archiver (A lightweight desktop-agnostic Qt file archiver) lxqt-archiver: lxqt-archiver: lxqt-archiver: lxqt-archiver: lxqt-archiver: lxqt-archiver: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-build-tools-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 28 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 180 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-build-tools: lxqt-build-tools (packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications) lxqt-build-tools: lxqt-build-tools: Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications lxqt-build-tools: lxqt-build-tools: lxqt-build-tools: lxqt-build-tools: lxqt-build-tools: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-build-tools-qt5-0.13.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 28 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 180 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-build-tools-qt5: lxqt-build-tools-qt5 (packaging tools & scripts for LXQt apps) lxqt-build-tools-qt5: lxqt-build-tools-qt5: Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications lxqt-build-tools-qt5: lxqt-build-tools-qt5: lxqt-build-tools-qt5: lxqt-build-tools-qt5: lxqt-build-tools-qt5: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-config-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 488 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2960 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-config: lxqt-config (LXQt system configuration.) lxqt-config: lxqt-config: lxqt-config: lxqt-config: lxqt-config: lxqt-config: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-globalkeys-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 220 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1120 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-globalkeys: lxqt-globalkeys (LXQt daemon and library for keyboard shortcuts.) lxqt-globalkeys: lxqt-globalkeys: LXQt daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration. lxqt-globalkeys: lxqt-globalkeys: lxqt-globalkeys: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-menu-data-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 56 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 240 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data ( LXQt menu files ) lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data: Replacement for and partially based on lxmenu-data lxqt-menu-data: (LXDE). lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data: lxqt-menu-data: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-notificationd-2.0.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 100 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 560 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-notificationd: lxqt-notificationd (LXQt notification daemon and library.) lxqt-notificationd: lxqt-notificationd: lxqt-notificationd: lxqt-notificationd: lxqt-notificationd: lxqt-notificationd: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-openssh-askpass-2.0.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 28 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 160 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass (LXQt openssh password prompt) lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass: lxqt-openssh-askpass: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-panel-2.0.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 980 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 6460 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-panel: lxqt-panel (The LXQt desktop panel) lxqt-panel: lxqt-panel: lxqt-panel: lxqt-panel: lxqt-panel: lxqt-panel: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-policykit-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 36 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 200 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit (The LXQt policykit authentication agent) lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit: lxqt-policykit: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-powermanagement-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 144 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 890 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-powermanagement: lxqt-powermanagement (LXQt power management daemon) lxqt-powermanagement: lxqt-powermanagement: lxqt-powermanagement: lxqt-powermanagement: lxqt-powermanagement: lxqt-powermanagement: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-qtplugin-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 52 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 250 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin (LXQt platform integration for Qt) lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin: lxqt-qtplugin: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5-1.4.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 44 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 180 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5 (LXQt platform integration for Qt) lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: lxqt-qtplugin-qt5: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-runner-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 224 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 650 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-runner: lxqt-runner (The LXQt application launcher) lxqt-runner: lxqt-runner: lxqt-runner: lxqt-runner: lxqt-runner: lxqt-runner: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-session-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 192 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1100 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-session: lxqt-session (The LXQt session manager) lxqt-session: lxqt-session: lxqt-session: lxqt-session: lxqt-session: lxqt-session: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-sudo-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 52 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 290 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-sudo: lxqt-sudo (LXQt privilege program (lxsu).) lxqt-sudo: lxqt-sudo: lxqt-sudo: lxqt-sudo: lxqt-sudo: lxqt-sudo: PACKAGE NAME: lxqt-themes-2.0.0-aarch64-2_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 26028 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 27130 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes (LXQt themes, graphics and icons.) lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes: lxqt-themes: PACKAGE NAME: menu-cache-1.1.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 44 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 240 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: menu-cache: menu-cache (lightweight replacement of libgnome-menu) menu-cache: menu-cache: Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed menu-cache: up the manipulation for defined application menus. menu-cache: It can be used as a replacement of libgnome-menu of gnome-menus. menu-cache: menu-cache: Homepage: menu-cache: menu-cache: menu-cache: menu-cache: PACKAGE NAME: muParser-2.3.4-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 136 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 650 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: muParser: muParser (A math parser library) muParser: muParser: muParser is an extensible high performance math expression parser muParser: library written in C++. It works by transforming a mathematical muParser: expression into bytecode and precalculating constant parts of the muParser: expression. muParser: muParser: Home: muParser: muParser: muParser: PACKAGE NAME: obconf-2.0.4-aarch64-2_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 124 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 940 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: obconf: obconf (Openbox preferences manager) obconf: obconf: ObConf is a GTK+ tool to assist with the configuration of the obconf: Openbox window manager. obconf: obconf: Homepage: obconf: obconf: obconf: obconf: obconf: PACKAGE NAME: obconf-qt-0.16.4-aarch64-2_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 132 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 820 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: obconf-qt: obconf-qt (Openbox configuration tool. Qt port of ObConf) obconf-qt: obconf-qt: obconf-qt: obconf-qt: obconf-qt: obconf-qt: PACKAGE NAME: openbox-3.6.1-aarch64-3_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 308 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1670 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: openbox: openbox (Openbox window manager) openbox: openbox: Openbox is a standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible openbox: window manager. Openbox was written first to comply with standards openbox: and to work properly. Openbox is fully functional as a stand-alone openbox: working environment, or can be used as a drop-in replacement for openbox: the default window manager in the GNOME or KDE desktop environments. openbox: openbox: Homepage: openbox: openbox: PACKAGE NAME: openbox-themes-1.0.2-noarch-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 212 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3530 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: openbox-themes: openbox-themes (Various themes for the Openbox window manager) openbox-themes: openbox-themes: This package which provided by Debian contains various themes for the openbox-themes: Openbox window manager. openbox-themes: openbox-themes: Homepage: openbox-themes: openbox-themes: openbox-themes: openbox-themes: openbox-themes: PACKAGE NAME: openbox-themes-extra-20180429-noarch-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 20 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1080 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra (additional themes for Openbox Window Manager) openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: This package provides additional themes for OpenBox Window Manager. openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: Homepage: openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: openbox-themes-extra: PACKAGE NAME: pavucontrol-qt-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 148 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1040 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: pavucontrol-qt: pavucontrol-qt ( is the Qt port of volume control pavucontrol ) pavucontrol-qt: pavucontrol-qt: pavucontrol-qt: pavucontrol-qt: pavucontrol-qt: pavucontrol-qt: PACKAGE NAME: pcmanfm-qt-2.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 484 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2880 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt (The LXQt file manager, Qt port of PCManFM) pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt: pcmanfm-qt: PACKAGE NAME: plasma-wayland-protocols-1.13.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 44 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 300 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols (Plasma protocols for Wayland) plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: This project contains xml files of non-standard Wayland protocols used plasma-wayland-protocols: by Plasma. plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: plasma-wayland-protocols: PACKAGE NAME: plasma5support-6.0.5-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 124 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 710 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: plasma5support: plasma5support (support for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6) plasma5support: plasma5support: Plasma5Support Framework contains Dataengines migration aids plasma5support: for KF5 -> KF6 migration. plasma5support: Dataengine support is not in the kf6 version of plasma anymore. plasma5support: Dataengines should be migrated to QML imports, but in the meantime plasma5support: remaining engines can use the dataengine implementation here. plasma5support: plasma5support: plasma5support: Home page: plasma5support: PACKAGE NAME: polkit-qt-1-0.200.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 116 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 830 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: polkit-qt-1: polkit-qt-1 (Qt polkit API wrapper) polkit-qt-1: polkit-qt-1: polkit-qt-1 aims to make it easy for Qt developers to take advantage polkit-qt-1: of the polkit API. It is a convenience wrapper around QAction and polkit-qt-1: QAbstractButton that lets you integrate those two components easily polkit-qt-1: with polkit. polkit-qt-1: polkit-qt-1: Homepage: polkit-qt-1: polkit-qt-1: polkit-qt-1: PACKAGE NAME: qps-2.9.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 280 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1450 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: qps: qps ( a visual process manager, an X11 version of 'top' or 'ps'. ) qps: qps: qps: qps: qps: qps: qps: qps: qps: qps: PACKAGE NAME: qterminal-2.0.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 272 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1380 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: qterminal: qterminal (A lightweight Qt-based terminal emulator) qterminal: qterminal: qterminal: qterminal: qterminal: qterminal: PACKAGE NAME: qtermwidget-2.0.1-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 240 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1050 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: qtermwidget: qtermwidget (A terminal widget for Qt, used by QTerminal) qtermwidget: qtermwidget: qtermwidget: qtermwidget: qtermwidget: qtermwidget: PACKAGE NAME: qtxdg-tools-4.0.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 32 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 120 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xqtxdg-tools: xqtxdg-tools ( libqtxdg user tools ) xqtxdg-tools: xqtxdg-tools: xqtxdg-tools: xqtxdg-tools: xqtxdg-tools: PACKAGE NAME: screengrab-2.8.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 204 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1080 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: screengrab: screengrab ( A program for fast creating screenshots ) screengrab: screengrab: screengrab: screengrab: screengrab: screengrab: PACKAGE NAME: solid-6.3.0-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 420 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2650 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: solid: solid (Desktop hardware abstraction) solid: solid: Solid is a device integration framework. It provides a way of querying solid: and interacting with hardware independently of the underlying solid: operating system. It provides hardware discovery, power management, solid: and network management features. solid: solid: Homepage: solid: solid: solid: PACKAGE NAME: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt-1.0.2-aarch64-1_lngn.txz PACKAGE MIRROR: PACKAGE LOCATION: . PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 56 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 250 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt ( A xdg-desktop-portal backend for LXQt ) xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt: xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt: